Partnering Tip: Getting to the Starting Line Together


When people and organisations come together and look to partner, they are likely to have different expectations, objectives and value propositions for being involved. 

There can also be a huge assumption that everyone knows how to partner and an expectation that all involved will just work together seamlessly to create an amazing outcome! 

But the reality is that everyone comes to a partnering initiative with different levels of knowledge, experience and skills in partnering. This can be a massive challenge at the start as some people want to move forward quickly and others are playing catch up.  

Remember the saying – ‘you only move as fast as the slowest partner?’ 

Hence, a key objective of any partnering process should be to get everyone to the starting line together so that all the partners can move forward as one. By that we mean that everyone who will be directly involved at the start of a partnering initiative or discussion, has some level of understanding and knowledge of just what it takes to partner and how to do it efficiently and effectively. 

When this happens and the potential partners have a common understanding of the why, what and how of partnering it reduces uncertainty and enables the partners to ask the right questions at the right time as they move through the partnering process. 

Having a framework to work within allows partners to navigate their way through what can often be a very complex set of relationships. When this is achieved it enables the partnering to move forward faster and with less tension and conflict as issues arise. 

Getting everyone to the starting line together is essential if you want to have successful partnering and deliver sustainable impacts. 

But how can you achieve this? 

One highly effective approach that we have developed involves all those participating in the partnering process or discussion to undertake an ‘Introduction to Partnering’ course as a first step. This course provides a range of frameworks and tools to help partners understand what partnering looks like in their context and tips and techniques to help them do it quickly, simply and effectively. 

When we have used this approach the individuals and organisations involved have immediately developed a common language around partnering and have a clear understanding of what they are trying to achieve and how to do it. Ideally participants from all the partner organisations undertake the course together. 

By focussing on the ‘how to’ of partnering rather than ‘the what’ helps build trust and strengthen relationships before getting into the substantive issues. 

Some examples of where this approach with great success and fast-tracked outcomes, include: 

  • Developing a Partnering Agreement between a First Nations Group and a Mining Company  

    • The Introduction to Partnering course was conducted at part of an initial planning workshop with both potential partners. It enabled the process to move forward quickly as it helped build a foundation of knowledge around partnering and the steps needed to work toward an agreement, which was developed within a further 3 meetings.  

  • Resolving conflicts in Natural Resource Management Region 

    • Participants from a number of organisations undertook our Introduction to Partnering online courses. This was followed by a one-day workshop to work through differences and resulted in resolution of key issues and an agreement to move forward together. 

  • Developing a Partnering Framework within an organisation 

    • In this case a small group of senior executives undertook our Introduction to Partnering online courses, which were followed by several online webinars. This resulted in the development of a draft Partnering Framework after only several meetings.  

It is clear from our experience that getting everyone to the starting gate together when working on partnering initiatives is absolutely crucial. Investing time up front to ensure all involved have some foundation knowledge around partnering pays big dividends to reducing time and cost or partnering. 

For more information on our online Introduction to Partnering Course head to our Partnering Essentials™ Online Academy.